A Sentry Bot’s weak spot is right on its back, but you’ll need to wait before you can take a stab at it. They have really tough armor, and can turn on a dime. They are all black and armed with a mini-gun, a charging ability, smoke, and just all around meanness.

These are those huge robots with four legs that end in wheels. They are a nightmare when in a room with lots of cover, but are downright impossible to face out in the open. As for the wcbrnbot.int script, you should be able to just add that in without making changes (once the latest version in 2.45 is released).Be thankful that these guys are pretty rare. In the MM, that section of the lab is twice as big, showing a broken sentrybot shell and charging station next to the robobrain shell. It might actually be easier to just redraw the portion of the map where the robobrain body is located to fit what you want, rather than try to modify the existing maps to work with another mod. The MM maps have other script changes and new items that would prevent that. And you can't just overwrite any existing maps with the SAD from the MM.

How to do it? Just have to get the tools to modify critter proto numbers, modify the party.txt file you want to use to include the new data for the Skynet (and other brains) Sentrybot from the MM party.txt, make sure all global variables are accounted for from vault13.gam, and make some modifications to the SAD map. I can't think of any other files that were changed. or, at least the hardest thing to change. The changes include a modified party.txt file, a several new critter proto files, a modified wcbrnbot script, changes to the vault13.gam file (maybe, if I remember correctly), and a modified Sierra Army Depot map. well, it can be made to work with another mod. Click to expand.It was always integrated.