It would be much better if they were blurted out at us as generic RPG enimies. Throughout The Elder Scrolls franchise, one of its greatest. There is no value in keeping them this mysterious achient civilisation of incredible power. Bethesda is unlikely to ever explain what happened to the Dwemer in the Elder Scrolls franchise, and there's a good reason for that. The dwemer are not interesting as a mystery. They went away and will return as the enimies in skyrem 2. This theory is utter and total guar dung! Robots don't have skin so how could the dwemer become its skin? They say something about "soul stacking" and "the third waking way" or some other bullshit to justify this. They became skin to the fucking big robot thingy. I will now explain some of the most popular theories: In sometime before skyrim the dwemer disapeared because Kagrenac went all stabby stabby on a heart.

They once made this one fucking big robot called the Numidium that CHIMmed or something. Very traditional dwemer mining song recorded by an automatonĭwemer were a short subrace of nords that really liked steampunk and were smart.