More commonly, it seems your bills are partly based on how much money you have in your bank account, so if you suddenly get a quick influx of money-say, from a promotion-your bills may jump a little more quickly than you realize. One that is being reported is that all objects on your lot work against your bills, so if a friend parks their car in your driveway, it works against your bills. There are a couple current snafus, probably bugs, that are in the game relating to bills. Why are my bills going up? I haven’t bought anything new. This applies for all options, of course, not just aging. If you have Save Game 1 for example, then make a new game and switch the option, then go back to Save Game 1, you’d have to re-toggle the option to make things tick again. The options menu doesn’t stick by save game, it sticks globally. My Sims have stopped / started aging when I had it enabled / disabled it! What happened? There is currently no workaround for this short of avoiding marriage entirely. But you’re right, when two Sims get married, their bank accounts do not wholly combine. It’s a bug probably-we can’t imagine this would actually be a design choice. One Sim had a bunch of money, and moved into her new husband’s house… but now her money is gone! Is it just somewhere I’m not seeing? The Sim in question, regardless of age, will be teleported to his or her home lot with mood meters reset.

So if I wanted to reset my namesake, I'd type "resetSim Pyro Falkon" without quotes. Hit CTRL + SHIFT + C, then type the following: This is a bug, so just be sure to take your baby back before kicking them out of the house. If a Sim is holding a baby and you ask them to leave, they will more than likely leave with the baby, and it will be removed from your family.